The Adventures of (Angel) Grrreta's Fam

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Easy Like Sunday with the Feral Kittens

This precious little feral kitten is still living in the Feralvilla on our back deck with Super Cow Kitten, and is making great progress. She has approached within inches of Mommy's hand, is very curious about Mommy and what is inside our back door, and has actually stepped inside our back door a couple of times to test it out. Mommy is feeling very optimistic about the girl kitten's chances of being tame enough to have a forever home. Super Cow Kitten is much more timid, but will  hopefully let his guard down if the girl kitten does it first. We are calling this little beauty Emmy-Caroline. She has the most adorable white tummy with black spots.


Gigi said...

Oh, she is soooooo adorable! We really hope she will get tame enough for a furever home 'cause it's hard to beat a soft beddy and three squares (or two squares ::glares at Human::). XOXOXO

Fuzzy Tales said...

She really is gorgeous. We have our paws crossed for them both for forever homes...and spaying/neutering of course! Good luck!

Brian's Home Blog said...

She sure is a beauty and I think you really have a chance with her!!! BRAVO!

Quill and Greyson said...

Paws crossed you can get that little cutie and the cow kitten to come on over.

meowmeowmans said...

Adorable! We are glad to hear you're making strides with her. :)

Katnip Lounge said...

Great news! Mommy was furminating CC last night and he is SUCH a love bug--he's come a long way from a terrified starving feral kitten.

Tamago said...

It's so great to read the kitten is making progress! It sounds really promising and I hope Super Cow Kitten and she will feel safe and comfortable around human. Emmy-Caroline is purrfect name for her. She is such a cutie pie!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Such a cutie. We hope the two kittens will get used to you so you can help them more.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a sweetie! We are crossing all our paws that she will discover the joys of being formerly feral very soon. Same for "SCK"!

The Chans

Julia Williams said...

She is just so cute!! I sure hope she will give up the feral live and have a loving furever home.

Gigi said...

Hi Kitties, Hope this little girl is getting friendlier and friendlier XOXOXOX Maybe y'all need another little girlcat???

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

Thank you so much for your super sweet comment on my blog. Much appreciated.

The Florida Furkids said...

Thank you for your kinds words about our Clifford. We're still in shock and the thoughtfulness of friends really helps.

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hope the kitties are coming around to you more!

Gigi said...

Just stopping by to say hello....wonder how these kittens are doing....are they still getting friendlier?? Me, it only took about 8 YEARS, ha ha meow. But I'm a special case, I think!

Timmy Tomcat said...

She is a kyootie. In time she may make the transition from feral. Purrs

Jans Funny Farm said...

You do get some cute ferals around your house. Hope you are all well.