The Adventures of (Angel) Grrreta's Fam

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We Got Ham !!!

YAY!!! We got ham! We got yum yum yummy, delicious ham! Just look how delicious.... Hey,...that's not ham! But, they are our brand new Forty Paws ham-micks that Mommy got us for early Christmas gifts. Yay! I wonder if Dorf tested them personally. They are very cute and comfy. Ambrose and I have already had a discussion about which of us gets the white one. Mommy also got us this cool toy. It's called fling-ama-string, and Ambrose has been playing with it for about three hours straight since we opened the box today. Mommy hung it on her bedroom door, so we can play right next to her when she's using the computer. It is a string on a tiny conveyor belt. Mommy was afraid that her arm muscles were going to look like Popeye's if she kept flinging feather wands around for us to chase, so she's hoping this will help keep us occupied so her arm can rest. (This is a toy that should be used only when a bean is supervising.) Here's a video of Ambrose playing with it.


Quill and Greyson said...

Get it Ambrose.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We have it on good authority the Dorf personally tests each & every ham-mick. Enjoy!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, thoze are grate hammucks, even if yoo didn't git any ham. And yoo know whut? I have the imaflamma obama string thing toy -- my speshul frend Daisy got me one fur my berthday! It is vary mezmerizing. We hafta snoopervize so Trip duzn't make it go ded.

Teddy Westlife said...

OH I thought you had real ham! I spose one of those hammicks would be okay though. Mum thinks she might need one of those toys to save her arm too.

Huffle Mawson

Karen Jo said...

The hammocks look very comfy. That string toy looks very mesmerizing. Does it have a battery that makes it go?

Parker said...

You guys had a very, very good day!

Everycat said...

Those hammicks look great but I do think you should each get some real ham to go with the hammicks.

Come on Ambrose, get that string!

Whicky Wuudler

Sweet Purrfections said...

That looks like a very interesting toy to play with. Did Ambrose every catch it?

Daisy said...

The only thing as good as ham is ham-micks!

Everycat said...

I tagged you for the Sixth Photo Meme!


The Florida Furkids said...

Cool ham-micks and a great toy too - Christmas came early to your house!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Did you catch the string yet? Those Ham-Micks are very comfy. I love ours, and yes, Dorf checks every one for quality. Ours came Dorf scented.

Forever Foster said...

We like the look of the ham-micks very much. We bet you guys will be super comfy on them.

Ambrose, you looked so handsome going for the string. We could almost see the cogs turning in your head, trying to work it out:)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

oAH WOWWW.......
What a funny toy~!!!
How exciting,
I wanna grab it, too!

The Cat Realm said...

Wow - you got great things!!! Come on over to our place for a great party! And we have some pillows you can take home and put on that 'ham'....
Karl and Ruis at The Cat Realm

Black Cat said...

Wow, that's a pawesome toy and the ham-micks look so comfy:) xxx

Anonymous said...

That does look like a fun toy! We googled it and saw another video of it hanging on the "other" die of the door and the kitty's paws coming under the door to try to catch it!

Rupert said...

That looks like a VERY intense discussion you are having!

Paws 'n Claws,

Forty Paws said...

Oh wow! Those are wonderfully grate Ham-Micks! Way too cool!

And we have one of those stringy thingees too! We watch it for very long times!

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