This is Chloe speaking. Since it is Formerly Feral Friday, I will share a story about me. When Ambrose and I were kittens, and Mommy was trying to get us accustomed to being indoor kitties, she would spend as much time as possible on weekends luring us indoors and letting us eat lots of good food, play with lots of fun toys, and use (play in) the litter box. She called it Kittenfest and Kitty Charm School. We had a lot of fun, and so did Mommy. At first she always left the back door propped open a little, because we freaked out when it was closed. When she thought we were comfortable enough indoors, and too many mosquitos were making their way inside, she decided to start closing the door. When I first discovered that the door was shut, I panicked and searched desperately for an escape route. I could hear and smell the outdoors through the screen door, so I jumped really high and tried to jump out the screen. Unfortunately, the screen just catapulted me right back indoors. I picked myself up, regained my composure, and tried again. It happened again! Mommy was shocked. It looked like a scene from a cartoon. A tiny kitten bouncing off a screen door. It was hilarious, but Mommy knew I was jumping with a lot of force, so I might hurt myself. She hurried to the door to open it, but before she could, I had jumped into the screen and bounced back indoors another two times. I didn't hurt myself, but it made it clear that making a feral kitty into an indoor kitty was not going to be easy. Eventually Mommy was able to close the door with me inside without giving me a panic attack when I was about four months old. Mommy tries very hard to make Ambrose and me full-time indoor kitties, but sometimes when she's not fast enough shutting the door, I sneak outside to play (as you can see from the photo above).
HI Chloe
What a beautiful girl you are we are glad that your Mom saved you from being outside and that are growin more comfortable living indoors...
Abby(the manx)
You are a very pretty girl Chloe and I think it's okay that you go outside sometimes... as long as you always come home (especially for dinner!).
Huffle Mawson
I'll bet it was scairty to be Inside for the first few times! I am scairt to go Outside by myself.
Oh Chloe, I'm so glad you realized that your Mom was only trying to help you find your forever home!
Your friend
what a pretty girl you are. i'm very glad your mommy was so patient to bring you in the house like she did. you should only go out snoopervised by your mommy, or on a harness!
isn't is great to be a FORMER feral? i think so.
thank you so much for your nice thoughts while i was sick. i am very lucky to have such good friends who purr and pray for me to get better. they are working!
So glad that your Mom saved you from a dangerous life outdoors. Please be careful when you sneak outside.
I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself bouncing off the screen! That was nice of your mommy to spend so much time playing with you!
yes chloe ... mi brudder matsui an i were feral. it wuz harder to get matsui to feel comfterbul in da howse ... it took allotta time. we both like goin owtside ... but we know we're safe inside now.
Hi Grrreta, Teddi, Chloe and Ambrose! It was so cool reading about all of you, and how your Mom has given all of you forever homes! You are all so pretty, whoops, Ambrose is handsome, we don't want to traumatize him any further since he started out as Amber ... hee hee! We hope you have a wonderful weekend, and are glad you got the internet thingy fixed like our Momma did!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Chloe, Stay INSIDE! Much safer for you. Ok?
Luf, Us
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